Connor and Associates, PLLC is a family-owned private mental health practice serving Northern Kentucky, Southwest Ohio and Southeastern Indiana.
The practice was established in 1996 and is conveniently located in Erlanger, Kentucky. Dr. Edward J. Connor and Dr. Sara Jones-Connor are licensed psychologists providing a wide array of clinical and forensic services. Both have extensive education, training and experience in assessment and psychotherapy. Therapy is provided to adults, adolescents, children, families and couples who present with a variety of concerns such as mood and personality disorders, behavioral problems, relational issues, stress management, occupational challenges and more.
Dr. Connor and Dr. Jones-Connor perform thorough psychological evaluations for many public and private entities including courts, medical facilities, community service agencies, public safety departments and private corporations. The evaluations generate valuable clinical data to assist referring parties in making critical decisions regarding health, safety, legal, hiring and other key matters. Together, Dr. Connor and Dr. Jones-Connor also conduct comprehensive child custody evaluations, visitation evaluations and family/parenting assessments to assist the courts in determining the best interests of children. Dr. Connor further has an extensive history of evaluating plaintiffs and defendants involved in criminal cases. He is a highly sought after forensic evaluator, consultant and expert witness.